We train in;
Niten Ichi-ryu Heiho kenjutsu, the pursuit and study of Miyamoto Musashi's unique methods of nito kenjutsu
as instructed by Miyagawa Morito Sensei, of Shiga-ken Japan.
Edo Yagyu Shinkage-ryu Heiho Batto, as instructed by Paul Manogue Shihan, student of the late Sono Seigo Sensei in Osaka, Japan.
For experienced practitioners, Choken Battojutsu Kage no ryu, one of few remaining schools practicing swordsmanship with Choken (commonly known as Odachi,) is trained as instructed by Colin Hyakutake Watkin, Shihan.
We are partners with other dedicated training groups in North America for the study of other budo as well.
Presently there are no openings for new students.
However if you wish to be put on a waiting list,
feel free to send us an email.